Your entrance hall and lounge area are key areas where the family enters the home and gathers together. Giving your home a beautiful fragrance that makes it feel inviting and welcoming, as well as comforting and relaxing is key. This is also important when friends and family are visiting your home. Using a fragrance in your home will give the experience you require as it communicates everything from your sense of style to your personal identity.
Fragrances – For me, this depends on the time of the year. In summer I love to use a fresh, revitalising fragrance, such as lemongrass, or pink grapefruit as it gives the feel of freshness and coolness. In winter, warmer fragrances such as orange & ginger, vanilla and cinnamon are more cosy and comforting. As always, it is a very personal thing, so experiment with a few different fragrances until you find the ones you love.
To Use:
The Fragrance Burner is best to use in the lounge area, as it gives a stronger fragrance over a larger area. Please remember that if your lounge is particularly large, you may need more than one. Use together with Scented Rocks and Fragrance Oils – Essential Oils can also be used.
If you have a small reading or working area within the lounge, a Fragrance Diffuser is a good choice for this area, as it has a smaller range for dispersing the fragrance.
Used additionally, or stand alone, our Fragrance Mists give a fresh burst of fragrance to the room. A few spurts and the room will smell amazing.
Incense can also be used – there are a variety of lovely fragrances to choose from.